Pork Dishes

Salted egg roll

I will say two words about it – tasty, juicy and nutritious. I think there were three.

Roll of eggs and green onions. Without hesitation, I present to you a recipe that, by writing it, collects my juices.

Recipe for 1 serving:

3 eggs
sausage if desired and must be thinly sliced ​​/ foreign-slices /. I used turkey fillet. Here you have the opportunity to use whatever sausage you choose depending on your preferences, taste or budget.
1 stalk green onion
yellow cheese / optional /
1 tomato / cut in halves /.
dill, salt and ketchup for decoration.

I want to add that onions add juiciness to the omelet.

Method of preparation:

You break the eggs.
Grease the pan and put the future omelet. Sprinkle with salt and green onions. Once firm, turn and bake.
When ready, arrange: sausage, cheese and tomato. Roll on top roll with ketchup

Enjoy your meal.

PP: My arrangement on the plate was with a slice of cheese on which I put pesto and a cup of lyutenitsa on the side.