Italian lasagna


I can say that this lasagna is a triumph for carnivores, because it contains enough meat and is different in preparation from traditional lasagna.
You need a square baking dish 21 cm by 11 at the base.

Necessary products:

300 g of ham or other type of sausage / obligatory in slices /
1 onion
200 g tomato sauce
5-6 lasagna leaves
500 ml bechamel sauce
200 g of yellow cheese
2 tablespoons olive oil.

Method of preparation:

Fry your minced meat with onions. Add a little red pepper, savory and black pepper.

Boil the lasagna leaves in boiling water and start “assembling” the lasagna.

Place baking paper on the bottom of the pan.
Arrange the ham on it and around the walls of the pan, watching the pieces overlap. One half of the sausage should come out of the pan. In this way, after we put all the products, we will cover the filling.

And we start – a row of bechamel, a row of leaves, a row of tomato sauce, a row of minced meat, a row of bechamel, a row of yellow cheese until the products are finished.

“Seal” with the ham and bake at 180 degrees until ready.
Allow to cool and turn into a suitable plate or tray.

Enjoy your meal.